Publication details
Year: 2022
Series: East Asian Journal of Philosophy
Full citation:
Yoko Arisaka, Anke Graness (eds), Histories of Philosophy in a Global Perspective, East Asian Journal of Philosophy 2 (1), 2022.

Histories of Philosophy in a Global Perspective
theoretical and axiological approaches
Edited by
Yoko Arisaka, Anke Graness
East Asian Journal of Philosophy | 2 (1)2022
This special issue of East Asian Journal of Philosophy (EAJP) is dedicated to the first research results of the Reinhart Koselleck Project, "Histories of Philosophy in Global Perspective", which has been running at the University of Hildesheim (Germany) since April 2019. The project seeks to further research already conducted in three related domains: first, critical investigations of the historiography of the (European) history of philosophy; second, initial attempts at a global historiography of philosophy; third, a tradition of regional historiography of philosophy which, until recently, has emerged mainly in regional studies and philologies in, for instance, India, China and the Islamic world.
Publication details
Year: 2022
Series: East Asian Journal of Philosophy
Full citation:
Yoko Arisaka, Anke Graness (eds), Histories of Philosophy in a Global Perspective, East Asian Journal of Philosophy 2 (1), 2022.