哲学杂志철학 학술지哲学のジャーナルEast Asian
Journal of

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2813-0448 (Paperback)

2813-043X (Online)


sdvig press

Facts & policies

Title: East Asian Journal of Philosophy

ISSN: 2813-0448 (Paperback)2813-043X (Online)

Periodicity: Continuous

Publisher: sdvig press

Distribution policy & licensing

Publication in open access

Rights holder: Authors

License: CC-BY Creative Commons Attribution

The journal is published online in open access (Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License) by sdvig press (Switzerland). Hard copies of the issues of the journal are distributed by the same publisher upon subscription. The EAJP publishes three issues per year. EAJP regularly publishes Thematic Issues that explore a topic in depth. In general, two issues per year are Thematic Issues. The editors of Thematic Issues can also be from outside of the Editorial Staff. The editorial work, which is necessary to realize the journal and to keep a high-quality standard of publication, is initially ensured through the support of the following institutions: Centre for Ethics and Moral Construction, Renmin University of China

Fees policy

Publication fees (APCs): None

Submission fees: None

Evaluation policies & peer review

Peer review:

Review at EAJP is ‘double-blind’ — the identity of authors is not revealed to referees, and vice versa. Papers must be prepared for anonymous review, with revealing acknowledgements and self-identifying references removed. Papers not prepared for anonymous refereeing will not be read. Submissions must not have been published in part or whole, or be under consideration elsewhere. Resubmissions must be declared as such.

New submissions are sent by the Executive Editors to one or two section editors, who make an initial assessment about suitability. To reduce the time that authors wait for decisions, submissions which are considered as non-suitable for the journal can be rejected at this stage without comments. Other submissions are sent for review by specialist referees. We ask referees to return reports and recommendations to us within eight weeks, and we aim to provide authors with a decision within three months. Unfortunately, in some cases this is not possible. The main reason is the time it takes to find suitable referees and receive reports from them. Most delays are caused when referees agree to provide a report, but then fail to do so. If there are serious delays in the review process, authors will be kept informed.

Once they receive the reports, the Executive Editors, will make a decision regarding the submission, taking into account the advice received from the section editor(s) and the referees. Where the advice is straightforwardly negative the submission will be rejected. When the advice is uniformly strongly positive, the paper will be considered by the Executive Editors for a final decision, to be taken in accordance with the Editorial Committee. In many cases the advice that received from referees is mixed. In such cases it is EAJP’s policy carefully to consider submissions in light of the referees’ comments and, occasionally, authors are given a verdict of 'Revise and Resubmit’. Resubmitted papers are sent out for review again, usually to the same referees, but sometimes also to a new referee (e.g. where the original referees do not want to report again, or it is determined that a further opinion is needed). If the resubmitted paper receives support from referees, its publication is proposed to the Editorial Committee. We aim to complete also this process within three months, starting from the day of the resubmission.

In the interests of transparency, all referees’ comments will be sent to authors, unless they are deemed offensive or are confidential advice for the editors. Editorial decisions are made with reference to the advice received from referees; however, the editorial team should not be taken to endorse the content of referees’ reports, and reserve the right to give a different verdict from that recommended by the referees.

Submissions are judged exclusively on their philosophical merits. No other criteria will be considered.

The final decision concerning the publication of each article is made by the Editorial Committee, after a confrontation with the Editorial Advisory Board. Such decision is definitive, and correspondence will not be entered into in relation to any submission that is not accepted for publication.

Correspondence: All correspondence concerning submissions and other editorial matters should be sent to: submissions@eajp.online

All mails for EAJP will go to the Editorial Manager.

Accepted papers: Authors of accepted submissions will be asked to prepare a version of the article using the EAJP house style and submit final copy via journal’s submission system on the journal’s website in a suitably formatted and encoded electronic version. A PDF of the final version is also required.

Authors will be required to sign the standard (CC BY 4.0) copyright licence agreement. Authors will receive one set of proofs, which will require immediate attention. Author corrections will be accepted at proof stage, but material changes to the paper will not be.

Please note that by submitting an article for publication you confirm that you are the corresponding/submitting author and that EAJP may retain your email address for the purpose of communicating with you about the article. You agree to notify EAJP immediately if your details change. If your article is accepted for publication, EAJP will contact you using the email address you have used in the registration process. Please note that EAJP does not retain copies of rejected articles.

Long-Term Archiving Policy

This journal is archived by the Swiss National Library through its long-term archiving programme e-Helvetica