哲学杂志철학 학술지哲学のジャーナルEast Asian
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Jorge García-Gómez

3 Publications

The collected works of Aron Gurwitsch (1901–1973) I

Aron Gurwitsch

Springer - Berlin


The first of a planned six volumes of Gurwitsch's writings, this volume contains, above all, the English translation of his Esquisse de phénoménologie constitutive, the text based on his four lecture courses at Institute d'Histoire des Sciences et des Techniques at the Sorbonne during the 1930s. These lectures were regularly attended by Maurice Merleau-Ponty.

The theory of the pure object

Antonio Millán Puelles

Carl Winter - Heidelberg


El campo de la conciencia

Aron Gurwitsch

Alianza - Madrid


3 Publications