Jorge García-Gómez
19 Publications
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The collected works of Aron Gurwitsch (1901–1973) I
Constitutive phenomenology in historical perspective
Berlin, Springer
Death, truth, and sinfulness
Of various characters and scenes in ramón del valle-inclán's comedias bárbaras
in: The enigma of good and evil, Berlin,
Descartes and Ortega on the fate of indubitable knowledge
in: Logos of phenomenology and phenomenology of the logos I, Berlin,
Reflections on José Ortega y Gasset's notion of àlétheia
in: Life - truth in its various perspectives, Deventer,
Toward the poetic constitution of nature
Remarks on José María heredia's work
in: Passions of the earth in human existence, creativity, and literature, Deventer,
19 Publications
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