4 Publications

New phenomenological studies in Japan
Nicolas de Warren, Shigeru Taguchi (eds)
Springer - Berlin
The development of phenomenological philosophy in Japan is a well-established tradition that reaches back to the early 20th-century. The past decades have witnessed significant contributions and advances in different areas of phenomenological thought in Japan that remain unknown, or only partially known, to an international philosophical public.

Husserl e la promessa del tempo
Nicolas de Warren
ETS - Pisa
Perché Husserl riteneva il tempo il più difficile e il più fondamentale tra tutti i problemi fenomenologici? Come può la questione del tempo diventare la questione della filosofia stessa? Nel mettere al centro la coscienza del tempo, qual è la promessa della filosofia fenomenologica?

Phenomenology in a new key
Jeffrey Bloechl, Nicolas de Warren (eds)
Springer - Berlin
In this collection of essays, the sophistication and vibrancy of contemporary phenomenological research is documented, including both its engagement with key figures in the history of philosophy, and with critical problems defining future directions of philosophical investigations. It honors the writings of Richard Cobb-Stevens, whose work in phenomenological philosophy, analytic philosophy and the history of philosophy has served as model for generations of philosophers working between these three fields of research.

Husserl and the promise of time
Nicolas de Warren
Cambridge University Press - Cambridge
This book provides an extensive treatment of Husserl's phenomenology of time-consciousness. Nicolas de Warren uses detailed analysis of texts by Husserl, some only recently published in German, to examine Husserl's treatment of time-consciousness and its significance for his conception of subjectivity.
4 Publications