Mark W. Wartofsky
16 Publications
1 - 10 >What can the epistemologists learn from the endocrinologists? or is the philosophy of medicine based on a mistake?
in: Philosophy of medicine and bioethics, Berlin,

Physics, philosophy, and the scientific community
essays in the philosophy and history of the natural sciences and mathematics in honor of Robert s. cohen
Kostas Gavroglu, John Stachel, Mark W. Wartofsky (eds)
Berlin, Springer

Science, mind and art
essays on science and the humanistic understanding in art, epistemology, religion and ethics in honor of Robert s. cohen
Kostas Gavroglu, John Stachel, Mark W. Wartofsky (eds)
Berlin, Springer

A portrait of twenty-five years
Boston colloquium for the philosophy of science 1960–1985
Robert S. Cohen, Mark W. Wartofsky (eds)
Berlin, Springer
Perception, representation, and the forms of action
towards an historical epistemology
in: A portrait of twenty-five years, Berlin,

Physical sciences and history of physics
Robert S. Cohen, Mark W. Wartofsky (eds)
Berlin, Springer

Epistemology, methodology, and the social sciences
Robert S. Cohen, Mark W. Wartofsky (eds)
Berlin, Springer
Medical knowledge as a social product
rights, risks, and responsibilities
in: New knowledge in the biomedical sciences, Berlin,
16 Publications
1 - 10 >