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Torkild Thellefsen

6 Publications

What brand associations are


Torkild Thellefsen, Bent Sørensen

Sign systems studies 43

The reception of Charles s. Peirce in denmark


Bent Sørensen, Torkild Thellefsen

European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 6 (1)

The significance-effect is a communicational effect

introducing the dynacom


Torkild Thellefsen, Bent Sørensen, Martin Thellefsen

Sign systems studies 39 (1)

Pragmatic semeiotic and knowledge management

introducing the knowledge profile as a pragmatic tool for knowledge managing the meaning of scientific concepts


Torkild Thellefsen, Bent Sørensen

The American Journal of Semiotics 25

What relations are

a case study on conceptual relations, displacement of meaning and knowledge profiling


Torkild Thellefsen, Christian Jantzen

Sign systems studies 31 (1)

Чем являются отношения

изучение концептуальных связей, сдвиг значения и профилирование знания. Резюме


Torkild Thellefsen, Christian Jantzen

Sign systems studies 31 (1)

6 Publications