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Edmund Husserl

Austrian-German philosopher widely considered as the father of phenomenology and the phenomenological movement. In his early work, he elaborated critiques of historicism and of psychologism in logic based on analyses of intentionality. In his mature work, he sought to develop a systematic foundational science based on the so-called phenomenological reduction (époché). Husserl's thought profoundly influenced the landscape of twentieth-century philosophy and he remains a notable figure in contemporary philosophy and beyond.

5 Publications

Natura e spirito

Edmund Husserl

Aracne -


Il volume raccoglie alcune riflessioni composte da Husserl nel 1927. Nei testi, l’autore insiste sull’importanza del “mondo–della–vita” soggettivo–relativo, utile “terreno di fondazione” anche per il mondo oggettivo delle scienze.

Logic and General Theory of Science

Edmund Husserl

Springer - Berlin


The stated subject of these lecture courses given by Husserlbetween 1910 and 1918is ‘reason, the word for the mental activities and accomplishments that govern knowledge, give it form and supply it with norms. ’ They show their author still pursuing the course set out in the Logical Investigations up to the end of the second decade of the century and displaying utter consistency with stands that he began taking on meaning, analyticity, Platonism, manifolds, mathematics, psychologism, etc.

First philosophy

Edmund Husserl

Springer - Berlin


This volume presents, for the first time in English, Husserl's seminal 1923/24 lecture course First Philosophy (Erste Philosophie) together with a selection of material from the famous research manuscripts of the same time period.   The lecture course is divided into two systematic, yet interrelated parts ("Critical History of Ideas" and "Theory of the Phenomenological Reduction").

Textos breves (1887-1936)

Edmund Husserl

Antonio Zirión Quijano, Agustin Serrano De Haro (eds)

Sigueme - Salamanca


Spanish translation of 18 texts by Edmund Husserl, covering the whole span of his almost fifty years of philosophical work. Seminal texts are included, most of them in their first Spanish translation.

Il Bambino

Edmund Husserl

Fattore Umano Edizioni -


German text and Italian translation of Husserl's text Das Kind (Husserliana XV)with a long commentary in connection with some husserlian textes contained in Grenzprobleme, Husserliana XLII

5 Publications