Identity today and the critical task of semioethics
pp. 847-897
in: International handbook of semiotics, Berlin, Springer, 2015Abstract
The critical task of semioethics calls for recognition of the common condition of dialogical interrelation and the capacity for listening, where dialogue does not imply a relation we choose to concede, thanks to a sense of generosity toward the other, but on the contrary is no less than structural to life itself, a necessary condition for life to flourish, an inevitable imposition. With specific reference to anthroposemiosis, semioethics focuses on the concrete singularity of the human individual and the inevitability of intercorporeal interconnection with others. The singularity, uniqueness of each one of us implies otherness and dialogism. Semioethics assumes that whatever the object of study and however specialized the analysis, human individuals in their concrete singularity cannot ignore the inevitable condition of involvement in the destiny of others, that is, involvement without alibis. From this point of view, the symptoms studied from a semioethical perspective are not only specified in their singularity, on the basis of a unique relationship with the other, the world, self, but are also above all social symptoms. Any idea, wish, sentiment, value, interest, need, evil, or good examined by semioethics as a symptom is expressed in the word, the unique word, the embodied word, in the voice, which arises in the dialectic and dialogical interrelation between singularity and sociality.