Individuation and semiogenesis
an interplay between geometric harmonics and structural morphodynamics
pp. 49-73
in: Alessandro Sarti, Federico Montanari, Francesco Galofaro (eds), Morphogenesis and individuation, Berlin, Springer, 2015Abstract
The process of individuation deals with the genesis and the constitution of forms and how they differs from each other. Gilbert Simondon in his 1958 thesis L"individuation à la lumière des notions de forme et d"information (Simondon 2005) shows how individuation has a pivotal role in various phenomenon at a physical, biological, psychophysical and social level. The concept of form is often used in a synonymous manner to structure, instead, here it is utilized with a very different meaning. Structure refers to a codified, pre-existing form while individuated form is a continuously emerging reality.