Publication details
Publisher: Springer
Place: Berlin
Year: 2010
Series: Studies in East European Thought
Full citation:
Janusz Dobieszewski (ed), Polish Studies in Russian religious philosophy, Studies in East European Thought 62 (1), 2010.
Polish Studies in Russian religious philosophy
Ludwig Feuerbach's conception of the religious alienation of man and mikhail Bakunin's philosophy of negation
Jacek Uglik
Dostoevskij in the eyes of Leont'ev
the foundations and consequences of different identities
Marian Broda
"The tragedy" of German philosophy
remarks on reception of German philosophy in the russian religious thought (of S. Bulgakov and others)
Jan Krasicki
Freedom as praxis
a comparative analysis of August Cieszkowski and Nikolaj Berdjaev
Alicja A. Gęścińska, Steven Lepez
Political hesychasm?
Vladimir Petrunin's neo-byzantine interpretation of the social doctrine of the russian orthodox church
Kristina Stöckl