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Tommi Vehkavaara

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4 Publications

From the logic of science to the logic of the living


Tommi Vehkavaara

in: Introduction to biosemiotics, Berlin,

Natural self-interest, interactive representation, and the emergence of objects and umwelt

an outline of basic semiotic concepts for biosemiotics


Tommi Vehkavaara

Sign systems studies 31 (2)

Естественный интерес, интерактивная репрезентация и формирование объектов и умвельта

определение главных семиотических понятий в рамках биосемиотики. Резюме


Tommi Vehkavaara

Sign systems studies 31 (2)

Why and how to naturalize semiotic concepts for biosemiotics


Tommi Vehkavaara

Sign systems studies 30 (1)

4 Publications