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Rudolf Seising

4 Publications

Soft computing in humanities and social sciences

Rudolf Seising, Veronica Sanz González (eds)

Springer - Berlin


The field of Soft Computing in Humanities and Social Sciences is at a turning point. The strong distinction between 'science" and "humanities' has been criticized from many fronts and, at the same time, an increasing cooperation between the so-called "hard sciences' and 'soft sciences' is taking place in a wide range of scientific projects dealing with very complex and interdisciplinary topics.

Views on fuzzy sets and systems from different perspectives

Rudolf Seising (ed)

Springer - Berlin


For more than four decades of its existence, the scientific "Fuzzy Group" has grown from a few engineers, working either alone or in small groups to a large scientific community. From the perspective of the history of science, it is quite normal over the course of time for such research programs to adapt themselves to the phenomena of branching out and differentiation into special projects and penetrating other disciplines.

The fuzzification of systems

Rudolf Seising

Springer - Berlin


In 1965 Lotfi Zadeh, a professor of electrical engineering at the University of California in Berkeley, published the first of his papers on his new Fuzzy Set Theory. Since the 1980s this mathematical theory of "unsharp amounts' has been applied in many different fields with great success.

Fuzzy Theorie und Stochastik

Rudolf Seising (ed)

Vieweg+Teubner - Wiesbaden


Alle Prozesse in der Natur enthalten eine oder mehrere ungewisse Komponenten, zeigen Ungewißheiten oder haben einen mehr oder weniger ungewissen Ausgang. Dabei kann man unterscheiden, ob man einen Vorgang -oder einen Teil davon -als ungewiß ansieht, weil man ihn nicht exakt deterministisch erfassen kann (z.

4 Publications