Regula M. Zwahlen
Regula Zwahlen is a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland. She is coeditor of the German edition of the Russian theologian Sergij Bulgakov’s work and coedits the journal "Religion & Gesellschaft in Ost und West" (Zurich, www.g2w.eu). She is the author of Das revolutionäre Ebenbild Gottes. Anthropologien der Menschenwürde bei Nikolaj A. Berdjaev und Sergej N. Bulgakov (Man as the revolutionary image of God. The philosophical anthropologies of Sergii N. Bulgakov and Nikolai A. Berdiaev) (LIT Verlag, 2010) and has published a number of essays on Russian and Soviet concepts of personality and on Russian Orthodox human rights discourse.
1 Publications

Sergej Bulgakov, the 'awakening giant' of Orthodox Theology
Studies in East European Thought
Regula M. Zwahlen (ed)
1 Publications