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Donna Haraway

13 Publications

The cyborg, its friends and feminist theories of materiality


Anne-Jorunn Berg

in: Discussing new materialism, Berlin,

Kindheitsforschung und "Neuer Materialismus"


Nicole Balzer, Christina Huf

in: Handbuch Philosophie der Kindheit, Stuttgart,

De l'imaginaire humain à l'imaginaire des animaux

Devenirs-animaux chez Bachelard, Deleuze et Guattari, et Haraway


Annabelle Dufourcq

Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 101

The ugly and violent removal of the cecil Rhodes statue at a south African university

a critical posthumanist reading


Karin Murris

in: Pedagogies in the flesh, Berlin,

Donna Haraway

the digital cyborg assemblage and the new digital health technologies


Deborah Lupton

in: The Palgrave handbook of social theory in health, illness and medicine, Berlin,

The companion cyborg

technics and domestication


Ronald Bogue

in: Deleuze and the non/human, Basingstoke,

Donna Haraway

Technoscience, New World Order und Trickster-Geschichten für lebbare Welten


Jutta Weber

in: Schlüsselwerke der Science & Technology Studies, Berlin,

The philosophical roots of Donna Haraway's cyborg imagery

Descartes and Heidegger through Latour, Derrida, and Agamben


Gavin Rae

Human Studies 37 (4)

La filosofía en la era de la globalización ¿Existe una filosofía feminista?

La filosofía como polémica


Celia Amorós

Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofia 50

13 Publications