Raymond J. Wilson
Time in post-modern fiction
Time's arrow, the French lieutenant's woman, and "The Alexandria quartet"
in: Temporality in life as seen through literature, Berlin,
A phenomenological theory of literary creativity
Ricoeur and Joyce
in: Logos of phenomenology and phenomenology of the logos V, Berlin,
In first century Rome
A test case of literary influence on ethical development
in: The enigma of good and evil, Berlin,
The phenomenology of ethical criticism
How literature affects ethical development
in: The enigma of good and evil, Berlin,
Metaphoric and metonymic symbolism
A development from Paul Ricoeur's concepts
in: The visible and the invisible in the interplay between philosophy, literature and reality, Deventer,
A map of terms
the "cultural code" and "ethnic psychology" in Roland Barthes' S/Z and "introduction to the structural analysis of narratives"
The American Journal of Semiotics 15
Causes of unhappiness in Dickens' Little Dorrit and Fowles' The French Lieutenant's woman
in: Life creative mimesis of emotion, Deventer,
Heidegger's "The origin of the work of art" and the phenomenology of meter
in: The poetry of life in literature, Deventer,