Tristram Engelhardt
5 Publications

Bioethics critically reconsidered
Tristram Engelhardt (ed)
Springer - Berlin
Bioethics developed as an academic and clinical discipline during the later part of the 20th century due to a variety of factors. Crucial to this development was the increased secularization of American culture as well as the dissolution of medicine as a quasi-guild with its own professional ethics.

Hegel reconsidered
Tristram Engelhardt, Terry Pinkard (eds)
Springer - Berlin
Much of contemporary philosophy, political theory, and social thought has been shaped directly or indirectly by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, though there is considerable disagreement about how his work should be understood. He has been described both as a metaphysician and characterized as an ironic narrator who anticipated the character of philosophy after metaphysics.

New knowledge in the biomedical sciences
William B. Bondeson, Tristram Engelhardt, Stuart Spicker, Joseph M. White Jr (eds)
Springer - Berlin

The roots of ethics
Daniel Callahan, Tristram Engelhardt (eds)
Springer - Berlin
Our age is characterized by an uncertainty about the nature of moral obligations, about what one can hope for in an afterlife, and about the limits of human knowledge. These uncertainties were captured by Immanuel Kant in his Critique of Pure Reason, where he noted three basic human questions: what can we know, what ought we to do, and what can we hope for.
5 Publications