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Cynthia Osowiec Ruoff

8 Publications

Baroque and classical aesthetic visions


Cynthia Osowiec Ruoff

in: The aesthetic discourse of the arts, Deventer,

Enchantment in baroque festive court performances in France

Les plaisirs de l’isle enchantée


Cynthia Osowiec Ruoff

in: The aesthetics of enchantment in the fine arts, Deventer,

Images of water and the sea in Tristan L'hermite's "La mer" and in painting


Cynthia Osowiec Ruoff

in: The orchestration of the arts — a creative symbiosis of existential powers, Deventer,

L'inconnu sur la terre

Harmony and the sacred


Cynthia Osowiec Ruoff

in: Life, Deventer,

The smile of the mind: from Molière to Marivaux


Cynthia Osowiec Ruoff

in: Enjoyment, Deventer,

Le Clézio's "L'inconnu sur la terre"

Man, nature, creativity and cosmology


Cynthia Osowiec Ruoff

in: Life: the human quest for an ideal, Berlin,

Heaven: Val-de-grâce, Molière's "La gloire du val-de-grâce" and Rotrou's "Le véritable Saint Genest"


Cynthia Osowiec Ruoff

in: The elemental passion for place in the ontopoiesis of life, Deventer,

Le véritable Saint Genest creativity and the movement from the profane to the sacred


Cynthia Osowiec Ruoff

in: From the sacred to the divine, Deventer,

8 Publications