Ludger Hagedorn
33 Publications
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Beyond myth and enlightenment
Phenomenological reconsiderations of religion
Ludger Hagedorn, Michael Staudigl (eds)
Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory 17 (2)
Phenomenologies of sacrifice
Metodo 6 (2)
On secularism and its discontents
charting pathways with a phenomenology of religion
Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory 17 (2)

Exploring the undisclosed meanings of time, history, and existence
Paul Ricoeur and Jan Patočka as philosophical interlocutors
Ludger Hagedorn, Paul Marinescu (eds)
Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 9 (2)
Christianity un-thought
a reconsideration of myth, faith, and historicity
The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 14
Quicquid cogitat
on the uses and disadvantages of subjectivity
in: The phenomenological critique of mathematisation and the question of responsibility, Berlin,

Religion, War and the Crisis of Modernity. A Special Issue Dedicated to the Philosophy of Jan Patočka
Ludger Hagedorn, James Dodd (eds)
The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 14
33 Publications
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