Galen A. Johnson
3 Publications

Merleau-Ponty, la littérature et le langage littéraire - Merleau-Ponty, literature, and literary language - Merleau-Ponty, la letteratura e il linguaggio letterario
Chiasmi International
Galen A. Johnson (ed)
Near the end of the Preface to Phenomenology of Perception, philosophy is joined precisely with both modern literature and modern painting: “Phenomenology is as painstaking as the works of Balzac, Proust, Valéry, or Cézanne – through the same kind of attention and wonder, the same demand for awareness, the same will to grasp the sense of the world or of history in its nascent state” (PP, xvi/lxxxv). A Working Note for The Visible and Invisible from June, 1959 states: “Being is what requires creation of us for us to experience it.

The Merleau-Ponty aesthetics reader
Galen A. Johnson (ed)
Northwestern University Press - Evanston, IL
3 Publications