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Pol Vandevelde

Marquette University

5 Publications

Intercultural Encounters – Rencontres interculturelles

Études phénoménologiques - Phenomenological Studies

Pol Vandevelde, Danielle Lories (eds)


Modes of dwelling, kinds of hospitalities - Manières d'habiter, modes d'hospitalité

Études phénoménologiques - Phenomenological Studies

Pol Vandevelde, Danielle Lories (eds)


Hermeneutics between history and philosophy

Hans-Georg Gadamer

Bloomsbury - London


Hermeneutics between History and Philosophy collects together Gadamer's remaining important untranslated writings on the problem of history and the major philosophical traditions of the 20th century from the standpoint of hermeneutics. In these writings, Gadamer examines important thinkers as Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre, Bourdieu and Habermas and their ongoing legacies.

Phenomenology and literature

Pol Vandevelde (ed)

Königshausen & Neumann - Würzburg


A key to Husserl's Ideas I

Pol Vandevelde (ed)

Marquette University Press - Milwaukee


5 Publications