Ludwig Wittgenstein
editions X
15 Publications
< 11 - 13
In search of a new humanism
the philosophy of Georg Henrik Von Wright
Rosaria Egidi (ed)
Berlin, Springer

Physics, philosophy, and the scientific community
essays in the philosophy and history of the natural sciences and mathematics in honor of Robert s. cohen
Kostas Gavroglu, John Stachel, Mark W. Wartofsky (eds)
Berlin, Springer

Wittgenstein — eine neubewertung/Wittgenstein — towards a re-evaluation
Akten des 14. internationalen Wittgenstein-symposiums feier des 100. geburtstages 13. bis 20. august 1989 kirchberg am wechsel (Österreich) / proceedings of the 14th international Wittgenstein-symposium centenary celebration 13th to 20th au
Rudolf Haller, Johannes L. Brandl (eds)
Berlin, Springer
15 Publications
< 11 - 13