Joseph Kockelmans
editions X

Ideas for a hermeneutic phenomenology of the natural sciences II
on the importance of methodical hermeneutics for a hermeneutic phenomenology of the natural sciences
Berlin, Springer
On the interpretive nature of Hertz's mechanics
in: Hermeneutic philosophy of science, van Gogh's eyes, and God, Berlin,

Phenomenology on Kant, German idealism, hermeneutics and logic
philosphical essays in honor of Thomas M. Seebohm
Olav K. Wiegand, Robert J. Dostal, Lester Embree, Joseph Kockelmans, Mohanty (eds)
Berlin, Springer
Hermeneutic vs. empiricist philosophy of science
in: Issues and images in the philosophy of science, Berlin,
On the hermeneutical nature of modern natural science
Man and World 30 (3)
On the hermeneutical nature of modern natural science
in: Hermeneutics and the natural sciences, Berlin,