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Hanne Jacobs

I am an associate professor of philosophy at Loyola University Chicago. I earned my PhD at the University of Leuven in Belgium, where I was a research fellow at the Husserl Archives. While in Leuven, I transcribed and edited a series of Husserl's lecture courses on the history of philosophy that was published in the Husserliana Materialien series as Einleitung in die Philosophie 1916–1920. I have published articles on topics in phenomenology, such as personal identity, attention, intersubjectivity, reflection, and phenomenological method. My current research interest is in phenomenological and contemporary theories of consciousness and reason. I am the book-review editor of Husserl Studies, a section editor for continental philosophy of Ergo, and an editorial board member of Tijdschrift voor Filosofie.

2 Publications

Einleitung in die Philosophie

Edmund Husserl

Hanne Jacobs (ed)

Springer - Berlin


Der vorliegende Band, der außer Husserls Freiburger Einleitung in die Philosophie von 1919/20 auch die noch erhaltenen Teile seiner beiden ersten Freiburger Einleitungen in die Philosophie von 1916 und 1918 enthält, bietet eine sowohl historisch als auch systematisch orientierte Hinführung zur transzendentalphänomenologischen Philosophie auf dem Weg über die Ontologie und die Erkenntnistheorie. .

Philosophy, phenomenology, sciences

Carlo Ierna, Hanne Jacobs, Filip Mattens (eds)

Springer - Berlin


This volume brings together essays by leading phenomenologists and Husserl scholars in which they engage with the legacy of Edmund Husserl’s philosophy. It is a broad anthology addressing many major topics in phenomenology and philosophy in general, including articles on phenomenological method; investigations in anthropology, ethics, and theology; highly specialized research into typically Husserlian topics such as perception, image consciousness, reality, and ideality; as well as investigations into the complex relation between pure phenomenology, phenomenological psychology, and cognitive science.

2 Publications