John Sallis
5 Publications

The logos of the sensible world
John Sallis
Richard Rojcewicz (ed)
Indiana University Press - Bloomington, In
This volume of the collected writings of John Sallis presents a two-semester lecture course on Maurice Merleau-Ponty given at Duquesne University from 1970 to 1971. Devoted primarily to a close reading of the French philosopher's magnum opus, Phenomenology of Perception, the course begins with a detailed analysis of The Structure of Behavior.

Elemental discourses
John Sallis
Indiana University Press - Bloomington, In
John Sallis's thought is oriented to two overarching tasks: to bring to light the elemental in nature and to show how the imagination operates at the very center of human experience. He undertakes these tasks by analyzing a broad range of phenomena, including perception, the body, the natural world, art, space, and the cosmos.

Heidegger und Nietzsche
Heidegger Jahrbuch
Alfred Denker, Marion Heinz, John Sallis (eds)
"Er hat mich kaputt gemacht. " - Das soll Heidegger über Nietzsche gesagt haben.
5 Publications