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Martin Buber

33 Publications


Buber's philosophy of education revisited


Renato Huarte Cuéllar

in: International handbook of philosophy of education, Berlin,

Forgotten approaches to care

the human being as neighbour in the British-jewish tradition of the nineteenth century


Elisabeth Conradi

in: Care in healthcare, Berlin,

Experiments in cultural connectivity

early Twentieth-century German-Jewish thought meets the Daodejing


Peter Fenves

in: Tensions in world literature, Basingstoke,

Dialog podle Viléma Flussera

prostřednictvím Martina Bubera k novým technologiím


Klára Židková

Studia philosophica 65

The other's place in the space of the relation

Karl Löwith and Martin Buber as theorists of duheit


Agostino Cera

in: The changing faces of space, Berlin,

Los desafíos éticos del discurso político-educativo costarricense en el periodo 2006-2010, basados en el pensamiento dialógico de Martin Buber y el planteamiento de alteridad de Emmanuel Lévinas


Esteban J. Beltrán Ulate

Educación 41 (1)

Heidegger, Buber and Levinas

must we give priority to authenticity or mutuality or holiness?


Lawrence Vogel

in: Heidegger, Levinas, Derrida, Berlin,

Integrative dialogue as a path to universalism

the case of Buber and Zhuangzi


Robert Elliott Allinson

Dialogue and universalism 26 (4)

Transformative pacifism in theory and practice

Gandhi, Buber, and the dream of a great and lasting peace


Andrew Fiala

Dialogue and universalism 26 (4)

Buber y Levinas: Una lectura colativa de sus antropologías


Esteban J. Beltrán Ulate

Revista Estudios 30

33 Publications