3 Publications

Saussure's linguistics, structuralism, and phenomenology
Beata Stawarska
Palgrave Macmillan - Basingstoke
This is the first English-language guidebook geared at an interdisciplinary audience that reflects relevant scholarly developments related to the legacy and legitimacy of Ferdinand de Saussure's Course in General Linguistics (1916) today. It critically assesses the relation between materials from the Course and from the linguist’s Nachlass (works unpublished or even unknown at Saussure’s death, some of them recently discovered).

Merleau-Ponty and structuralism
Acta Structuralica
Beata Stawarska, Patrick R. Flack (eds)
The eight essays included in this issue offer a structuralist re-reading of Merleau-Ponty’s philosophy and/or testify to its central role within the contemporary history of phenomenology and structuralism as well as of Gestalt Psychology, Deconstruction, Deleuze’s philosophy, Feminism, and other approaches that accompanied and often contested basic tenets of phenomenological and structuralist thought. The first half of the issue is devoted to pre-Second-World War structuralism and its influence on the genesis and development of Merleau-Ponty’s work.

Saussure's philosophy of language as phenomenology
Beata Stawarska
Oxford University Press - New York City
This book draws on recent developments in research on Ferdinand de Saussure's general linguistics to challenge the structuralist doctrine associated with the posthumous Course in General Linguistics (1916) and to develop a new philosophical interpretation of Saussure's conception of language based solely on authentic source materials. This project follows two new editorial paradigms: 1.
3 Publications