Publication details
Publisher: Springer
Place: Berlin
Year: 2008
Pages: 291-296
Series: Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science
ISBN (Hardback): 9781402062742
Full citation:
, "Method and objectivity", in: Rethinking scientific change and theory comparison, Berlin, Springer, 2008

Method and objectivity
pp. 291-296
in: Lena Soler, Howard Sankey, Paul Hoyningen-Huene (eds), Rethinking scientific change and theory comparison, Berlin, Springer, 2008Abstract
Conceptions of scientific theories are usually distributed into two distinct subsets. The first one is normative and teleological. According to it, scientific theories have or should have "epistemic value"; they have or should have credentials for approaching isomorphism with a putative "external reality" construed as a final target and a criterion of truth; and therefore the ultimate structure of theories is necessary. The second one has an evolutionist tinge; it restricts its normative aspect to viability. Here, no epistemic value is required, but only adaptative value; no truth, but empirical adequacy; no pre-defined final target, but a proteiform quest for ecological niches; no necessity of correspondence, but historical contingency. A third conception, a "middle way", can however be identified in the history of ideas. This alternative conception (called transcendental epistemology) was first formulated in a highly fixist version by Kant, and later made more flexible and historically sensitive by the neo-kantian lineage. In this third conception, epistemic value is retained, yet only as a regulative ideal. The claim of truth is no longer discarded but it is thoroughly redefined. Truth is not restricted to logical coherence, nor does it imply mere correspondence with "things-in-themselves". Rather, "objective truth" means "connection according to laws of experience"1 provided in advance by our understanding; namely connection of phenomena according to those very "constitutive laws' whose application are a condition of possibility of any experience of objects. Moreover, in Cassirer's version of neo-kantianism, the constitutive laws are historically drifting, by way of a progressive conquest of accurate 'symbolic forms"; but the content of scientific theories is still ascribed a certain amount of internal necessity in so far as it must incorporate the group-structure whose invariants define its own objects (Cassirer, 2004).
Cited authors
Publication details
Publisher: Springer
Place: Berlin
Year: 2008
Pages: 291-296
Series: Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science
ISBN (Hardback): 9781402062742
Full citation:
, "Method and objectivity", in: Rethinking scientific change and theory comparison, Berlin, Springer, 2008