The origins of Soviet ethical theory
pp. 68-85
in: , Marxist ethical theory in the Soviet union, Berlin, Springer, 1978Abstract
The disputes over ethical theory conducted within the German Marxist movement were monitored in great detail by Russian Marxists. In the period from 1900 up to the revolution, most of the major German contributions to the debate over ethical theory and socialism were translated promptly into Russian, and discussed at length in Russian publications. Multiple translations of some of these German works appeared almost simultaneously in various parts of Russia, and certain contributions were published repeatedly in anthologies over a period of years. Books by Vorländer, Woltmann, and Hildebrand, not to mention Kautsky and Engels, were translated; numerous articles by Kautsky, Bauer, Mehring, and other leaders of the German social democratic movement were also translated and published in anthologies, including nearly all the major articles on ethical theory appearing in the pages of Neue Zeit both prior to and during the period.