Possible worlds and formal semantics
pp. 177-188
in: Esa Saarinen, Risto Hilpinen, Ilkka Niiniluoto, Merrill Provence Hintikka (eds), Essays in honour of Jaakko Hintikka, Berlin, Springer, 1979Abstract
Since Prof. Hintikka is one of those philosophers and logicians who are responsible for the popularity of possible worlds, and in view of his pioneering work on the methodology of the semantics of modal notions, it is perhaps understandable that my contribution to his Festschrift concerns possible worlds, too, no matter how amateurish it may be. But irrespective of whether this contribution has any value at all in the delicate field of possible worlds semantics, it is intended for a token of my respect to a friend and teacher of many years' standing.