A large part of all theoretical research is planified in Hungary, as in all Communist countries. The plans appear to be worked out in view of two considerations: (i) to commission work on those topics on which Marxism-Leninism appears to be in urgent need of improvement, (ii) to bolster and sanctify work already in progress insofar as it is held to be important. Commissioned work comes under the heading of "main tasks' : sanctified work in progress may be included either under a "main task" or under "research outside of the main task", depending on whether it coincides with the general orientation of the particular main task or not. While both "main tasks' and "works outside of the main tasks' come under the heading of official projects, there are, in addition, various kinds of inofficial projects. The latter are those which are (i) commissioned by a scientific or academic institution on its own initiative and assigned to one of its members, (ii) submitted by an individual theoretician on his own initiative and subsequently approved by an institution, (iii) carried out entirely on the personal initiative of the theoretician. These types of inofficial projects come to light if and when their results are published. They constitute the substance of the works cited in the "Review of Current Results", above. Here the fully official projects, and the work done in fulfillment of them, will be stated.