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Gregorio Piaia

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6 Publications

Models of the history of philosophy III

the second enlightenment and the Kantian age


Gregorio Piaia, Giovanni Santinello (eds)

Berlin, Springer

Religious apologetics and historiographical practice


Gregorio Piaia

in: Models of the history of philosophy III, Berlin,

The history of philosophy in the Encyclopédie


Gregorio Piaia

in: Models of the history of philosophy III, Berlin,

The impact of the esprit des lumières on the history of philosophy


Gregorio Piaia, Giuliano Bergamaschi, Laura Scarduelli

in: Models of the history of philosophy III, Berlin,

Averroes and Arabic philosophy in the modern historia philosophica

seventeenth and eighteenth centuries


Gregorio Piaia

in: Renaissance Averroism and its aftermath, Berlin,

Les trésors de Cratès

Sur la valeur d'une approche historique de la philosophie


Gregorio Piaia

Revue philosophique de Louvain 106 (1)

6 Publications