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Friedrich Schleiermacher

42 Publications

Religious experience and transcendence (or the absence of such)

commentary on part 2


Olga Louchakova-Schwartz

in: The problem of religious experience, Berlin,

¿Es posible la filosofía de la religión en la época moderna, a través del pensamiento de Kant y Schleiermacher?


José Morales Fabero

Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofia 69

Friedrich Schleiermacher

a theory of translation based on dialectics


José Miranda Justo

in: Rereading Schleiermacher, Berlin,

Revisiting Schleiermacher on translation

musings on a hermeneutical mandate


Richard Crouter

in: Rereading Schleiermacher, Berlin,

Why Berman was wrong for the right reason

an indirect discussion of the pivotal role of Friedrich Schleiermacher in the ethico-translational debate


Gys-Walt van Egdom

in: Rereading Schleiermacher, Berlin,

From Friedrich Schleiermacher to Homi K. Bhabha

foreignizing translation from above or from below?


Helene Quiniou

in: Rereading Schleiermacher, Berlin,

Friedrich Schleiermacher's lecture "On the different methods of translating" and the notion of authorship in translation studies


Verena Lindemann

in: Rereading Schleiermacher, Berlin,

Der hermeneutische Akt des Übersetzens

Schleiermacher und die Literaturverfilmung


Dagmar von Hoff

in: Rereading Schleiermacher, Berlin,

Je suis un autre

notes on migration, metamorphosis and self-translation


Alexandra Lopes

in: Rereading Schleiermacher, Berlin,

42 Publications