Names in Kotarbiński's "Elementy"
pp. 31-37
in: Jan Woleński (ed), Kotarbiński, Berlin, Springer, 1990Abstract
In the present essay I shall be largely concerned with the recognition and elimination of sham names, "nazwy pozorne", as recommended and practised by Kotarbiński. I shall be much less concerned with his views on genuine names; hardly at all with the view that only bodies are genuinely namable. Let it pass, transeat, as men would say in a mediaeval disputation. It is likewise not beyond the reach of philosophical speculation that somebody should restrict the range of the namable to what are not bodies, e.g. to sense-data; but I shall not stop to consider that position either. We have to start somewhere, and the thesis that bodies are namable is well enough accepted and understood to start with.