Philosophical bibliography of Hector-Neri Castañeda (1991-1999)
pp. 333-336
in: Francesco Orilia, William J. Rapaport (eds), Thought, language, and ontology, Berlin, Springer, 1998Abstract
[Editors' Introduction. The first Festschrift for Hector-Neri Castañeda (Tomberlin 1983: 467—476) contains a bibliography of Castañeda's publications up to 1982. A list of Castañeda's publications up to 1986 (Landini 1986) can be found in the second Castañeda Festschrift (Tomberlin 1986). These bibliographies are supplemented by a list of Castañeda's publications in the period 1986—1990 that appears in Castañeda 1990. The present list, compiled by Tomis Kapitãn, aims at completing these previous bibliographies by listing Castañeda's publications since 1991.]