Borderlands of Lithuania and Kaliningrad region of Russia
preconditions for comparative geographic approach and spatial interaction
pp. 15-29
in: Jan Selmer Methi, Andrei Sergeev, Basia Nikiforova (eds), Borderology: cross-disciplinary insights from the border zone, Berlin, Springer, 2019Abstract
The focus of research based on geographic comparison of borderlands of Lithuania, and Kaliningrad region of Russia, with special aspect on the Curonian lagoon coastal-border region, which is located between two countries along the Baltic Sea. The border areas of these neighboring countries have common and different historical development. These borderlands researched in historical, cultural perspectives, and nowadays there are being conducted significant researches of different territorial units in the forms of cross-border or trans-border regions, the groups of wards or municipalities as well. Nevertheless, in the frames of regional and national policies, these territories recognized as peripheral ones, but in the strategic point of view, these territories are important for elaboration of joint actions and new identities. Thus, the borderlands researched in an approach for comparative aspects in order to reveal more detailed understanding and definition of their role in cross-border and trans-border activities, social-economic development and spatial interaction. Relatively, the lack of geographic comparative knowledge about borderlands of Lithuania and Kaliningrad region of Russia, that makes these areas more peripheral in regional context and adjacent for applied geographic and comparative researches. Tourism as a process has a key role of increasing an attractiveness of cross-border regions in order to renew the physical and cultural importance of border regions and to maintain their spatial interaction for joint actions.