Alexander Von Humboldt
8 Publications
The history of mathematics in the progress of mankind
modifying the narrative around 1800
in: Historiography of mathematics in the 19th and 20th centuries, Basel,
Petra Werner, Naturwahrheit und ästhetische Umsetzung. Alexander von Humboldt im Briefwechsel mit bildenden Künstlern
Rivista di estetica 58
Between emotion, imagination and cognition
play as a hybrid neuro-evolutionary concept in bridging Saussure, Hegel and Alexander von Humboldt
Sign systems studies 43
The aesthetic philosophy of early German romanticism and its early German idealist roots
in: The Palgrave handbook of German idealism, Berlin,
L'anthropologie dans l'œuvre américaine d'Alexandre de Humboldt
Revue germanique internationale - ancienne série 21
8 Publications