José Huertas-Jourda
editions X
9 Publications
To whom it may concern
the question of the philosophic interlocutor
in: To work at the foundations, Berlin,
Questions of method
on describing the individual as exemplary
in: The horizons of continental philosophy, Berlin,
On the two foundations of knowledge according to Husserl
in: Essays in memory of Aron Gurwitsch, Lanham,
The origin of otherness and ownness in the living present
towards a phenomenological description of the genetic constitution of the other
in: Continental philosophy in America, Pittsburgh,
The problem of the beginning of philosophy in Husserl's philosophy
in: Lifeworld and consciousness, Evanston, IL,
"You should have known better!"
a phenomenological inquiry into the mechanics of ethical education
in: Phenomenology in perspective, Berlin,

On the threshold of phenomenology
A study of Edmund Husserl's Philosophie der Arithmetik
New York City, New York University
9 Publications